Chippenham Archers

Outdoor Season Shooting Progress  The Outdoor Season runs from from the 1st January to 31st December and all outdoor rounds shot by Club Members (assuming the actual Score Sheets for Rounds shot at the Club or Results Sheets from Competitions that Club members have entered are given to the Records Officer) within that period are entered into the Records Software. The Records Software is then used to produce Reports showing the progress of members in terms of their Archery Classification and  Handicap

Current = Outdoor Classifications             Current = Outdoor Handicaps

Indoor Season Shooting Progress  The Indoor Season runs from from the 1st of October to 31st of March and all Indoor rounds shot by Club Members within that period that have been given to the Records Officer are entered into the Records Software. The Records Software is then used to produce Reports showing the progress of members in terms of their Archery Classification and  Handicap

Current = Indoor Classifications             Current = Indoor Handicaps    


Rounds are described below and the current Club Record Scores for those Rounds are detailed here

Rounds are a series of structured shooting patterns whereby a set number of arrows are shot at a specified Target Face at a specified set of Distances. These are split  in Rounds that are shot at distances measure in Yards and Meters and these identified as Imperial Rounds (yards) and Metric Rounds (meters) respectively.

Both Imperial Rounds and Metric Rounds are further split into Rounds specified for Adult Atchers and those specified for Junior Archers and the designated age for the rounds is shown against each round in the tables below (Note,In competitions Juniors can shoot compete in Rounds above their age but not under it, for example an Under18 cannot compete in a rounds designated as Under16 but an Under16 can compete in an Under18 designated  round).

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